Cosmetic Dentistry

Misalignment Problems

What misalignment problems can Invisalign correct?

Invisalign offers a modern alternative to traditional methods of straightening one’s teeth. Unlike metal braces that comprise wires and brackets, Invisalign braces are made of medical grade plastics that promise better comfort for the patient as well as a more discreet way of undergoing the teeth straightening treatment, without anyone noticing it at all. Ever since its initial launch in the late nineties, the Invisalign clear brace system has been undergoing major improvements. If you are in need of Invisalign In Sydney, see our list of great dentists on the states section of our site.

For example, one key development involves tooth-coloured attachments that are placed on the teeth to improve the grip of the aligners (Invisalign’s equivalent of the brace). Such advancements have enabled the Invisalign system to handle more complex cases that involve serious overbites, underbites and malocclusions.

The Invisalign system is adept at correcting a host of misalignment issues, including overbite, underbite, open bite, crossbite, overly crowded and gapped teeth.

Misalignment Problems Picture Of A Lady
Common misalignment problems

Today, the system is adept at correcting a host of misalignment issues, including overbite, underbite, open bite, gapped teeth, crossbite and overly crowded.

Overbite is a dental condition that occurs when the upper teeth of a person protrudes too much over the lower teeth. This misalignment of teeth and jaws exerts immense pressure on the lower teeth, and can lead to gum issues and jaw pains. An overbite can be caused by bad oral habits or overdevelopment of the teeth’s supporting bone structure.

Underbite is the direct opposite of an overbite. It occurs when the lower jaw sticks out further than the upper jaw. When your lower jaw appears to jut out further than your upper teeth, you most likely have an underbite issue. This can be cause by upper teeth that have gone missing, overdevelopment of lower jaw or underdevelopment of upper jaw. This misalignment issue can lead to difficulties with eating and speech. In severe cases of underbites, professional dental help should be sought immediately.

Overcrowded teeth occurs when there isn’t enough room on your jaw bone to accommodate your teeth such that they line up properly.

Misalignment Problems Mouth Open

Overcrowded teeth occurs when there isn’t enough room on your jaw bone to accommodate your teeth such that they line up properly. When your teeth overlap or grow into spaces that were not intended for them, this creates nooks and crannies that are prone to harbour bacteria that can lead to plague accumulation. The inevitable result of plague accumulation is increased incidence of tooth decay and gum disease.

Widely spaced or ‘gappy’ teeth is the opposite problem of overcrowded teeth, when there is extra space on your jaw bone due to missing teeth, undersized teeth or abnormal growth of jaws. When there is vacant space on your jaw, the surrounding teeth tend to shift into the extra space and create gaps in your smile. Not only is this unattractive to look at, the gaps can expose your teeth to gum disease and other problems.

Crossbite occurs when the tooth does not line up with its direct opposing tooth, leaning either closer to the tongue or the cheek (buccal or lingual position).

With Invisalign, you can look forward to a beautiful smile with a comfortable and aesthetic treatment option.

Misalignment Problems 4 Aligners
Invisalign system solutions

All the above problems can be effectively tackled using the Invisalign system. Having a straightened set of teeth will not only enhance your smile, it will also maintain state of the oral health and protect you from future dental problems. With Invisalign, you can look forward to a beautiful smile with a comfortable and aesthetic treatment option.

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